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Company Presentation | SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024

Ariake Arena

Company Presentation


Companies will deliver presentations to introduce a range of initiatives aimed at tackling social challenges and shaping a better future.

2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. 5/20(Mon)
Theme: “Future of Energy: A World Created by E-Methane”

E-methane, a synthetic methane created from hydrogen and CO2, has gained significant attention around the world as a sustainable and practical solution to take the place of fossil fuels and achieve carbon neutrality. We will present a decarbonization initiative focused on transitioning from “town gas” to e-methane.


Masako Konishi
(Managing Executive Officer, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.)

4:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. 5/20(Mon)
Proximar Seafood with Marubeni Corporation
Theme: "Future of Sustainability: Rethinking Conventional Knowledge about Salmon Aquaculture"

As the demand for Atlantic salmon grows, the production volume using traditional aquaculture methods in the ocean is projected to reach a plateau because their feasibility is limited to regions with low seawater temperatures. There are also concerns regarding marine pollution resulting from salmon waste and excess feed. In such cases, transitioning to land-based farming offers a promising solution. We will introduce a system and philosophy for land-based salmon aquaculture, challenging traditional perceptions and practices.


Joachim Nielsen
(CEO, Proximar Seafood AS)

6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 5/20(Mon)
playknot, inc. & STYLY Inc.
Theme: "The New Era of XR: Crafting Experiences Beyond Dimensions"

As technology progresses to enhance telecommunication speeds, content has evolved to meet the growing human desire for faster, more user-friendly, and richer experiences. With a significant surge in information volume, the shift from 2D to 3D content is becoming unavoidable, promising to revolutionize the landscape. We will introduce initiatives in a time where reality and virtual reality overlap.


Takuma Honyashiki
(co-CEO of playknot Inc.)

Kyohei Yamaguchi
(co-CEO of playknot Inc.)

Hokuto Ikura
(director general of Innovation Promotion Division, Creative Design Center, STYLY Inc.)

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